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ray nagin中文是什么意思

用"ray nagin"造句"ray nagin"怎么读"ray nagin" in a sentence


  • 市长纳金


  • It also helps that none of the mayors of fire - affected towns is as hysterical and ineffective as new orleans ' s ray nagin
  • Mr . bush had breakfast with new orlea mayor ray nagin , attended a church service and visit with some of the city ' s residents
  • Mr . bush had breakfast with new orleans mayor ray nagin , attended a church service and visit with some of the city ' s residents
  • Mr . bush had breakfast with new orleans mayor ray nagin , attended a church service and visit with some of the city ' s residents
  • New orleans mayor ray nagin blasted the federal response to the disaster in a radio interview thursday , making an urgent plea for reinforcements and aid
  • New orleans mayor ray nagin blasted the federal response to the disaster in a radio interview thursday , making an urgent plea for reinforcements and aid
  • In the city , the lack of financial help , combined with mayor ray nagin ' s loyalty to market forces , have left people whose houses were destroyed or damaged in a kind of purgatory
  • In a telephone interview with local radio station wwl , new orleans mayor ray nagin challenged both president bush and louisiana governor kathleen blanco to bring his city more help
用"ray nagin"造句  
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